Cloud migration in just three simple steps
Sign up for a free account swiftly and efficiently to experience the convenience of cloud brings by 8 different major cloud providers, over 40 products and services.
Sign up for a cloud account
Dedicated Personnel to help you with the provisioning service
Activate your account immediatly
Step1 Sign up for a cloud
Industry Category
Free Trial application requirements*
Free Trial Plan Terms and conditions
• To join the Free Trial plan, users must meet the condition of "first time using the product", that is to say, there shall be no order history under the product you choose to try.
• Unless otherwise specified, each user is entitled to one Free Trial offer per product. Only one account can participate in the plan for users with multiple accounts.
• Users who are enrolled in a Personal Free Trial plan are not eligible for the Enterprise Free Trial plan.
• The products provided by the "Free Trial plan" are bound by COCloud Technology's online terms.
• If we confirm that you are not eligible for a Free Trial plan, we will notify you 72 hours before the downtime.
• To ensure justice and equity in the campaign, COCloud Technology has the right to withdraw participation qualifications from customers who perform malicious registration, card theft, fraud, etc., as well as users who use our resources to engage in illegal activities.
• To avoid abuse of rights from the campaign, the Enterprise Free Trial plan requires the provision of basic company information for authenticity judgment. Such information will only be used for verification and will be removed afterward.
• COCloud Technology has the right to adjust the content of Free Trial plan or terminate the campaign at any time.
Create your cloud account for free
Cloud migration in just three simple steps
Sign up for a free account swiftly and efficiently to experience the convenience of cloud brings by 8 different major cloud providers, over 40 products and services.
Sign up for a cloud account
Dedicated Personnel to help you with the provisioning service
Activate your account immediatly
Step1 Activate your account for free immediately
Industry Category
Free Trial application requirements*
Free Trial Plan Terms and conditions
• To join the Free Trial plan, users must meet the condition of "first time using the product", that is to say, there shall be no order history under the product you choose to try.
• Unless otherwise specified, each user is entitled to one Free Trial offer per product. Only one account can participate in the plan for users with multiple accounts.
• Users who are enrolled in a Personal Free Trial plan are not eligible for the Enterprise Free Trial plan.
• The products provided by the "Free Trial plan" are bound by COCloud Technology's online terms.
• If we confirm that you are not eligible for a Free Trial plan, we will notify you 72 hours before the downtime.
• To ensure justice and equity in the campaign, COCloud Technology has the right to withdraw participation qualifications from customers who perform malicious registration, card theft, fraud, etc., as well as users who use our resources to engage in illegal activities.
• To avoid abuse of rights from the campaign, the Enterprise Free Trial plan requires the provision of basic company information for authenticity judgment. Such information will only be used for verification and will be removed afterward.
• COCloud Technology has the right to adjust the content of Free Trial plan or terminate the campaign at any time.

Get in touch with COCloud
Take care of "your cloud things"